
Peer Support: The First Issue of the Hamsayeh Diary Published

Hamsayeh, the first user/survivor peer support group based in Pune published the first issue of their newsletter, which they humbly call diary. This issue reports on the first five meetings of the group.

A sufi saying particularly drew my attention:

To your mind I am mad

To my mind, you are all sane

So I pray to increase my madness

And to increase your sanity...

... my madness is from the power of love;

your sanity - from the strength of unawareness.

I am proud that I could be present at the birth of Hamsayeh and wish the group all the success and happiness such initiatives deserve.

1 comment:

dalip said...

thank you Gabor
that sufi saying is one very precious to me.. i had used it in my final dissertation in college.. way back in 1980. Back then i had been labelled as radical.. "a subversive bastard".. i treasure that label till today with a sense of humour and a smile
it is good to have you with us
thanks again